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Project Diary

Mr. Birdy Plush Prototyping


Mr. Birdy Prototype


Mr. Birdy is a character that I have created based upon the Souly Damned canon. He is actually the chibified version of Infernal King Costello's familiar form. 

Where does this plush design come from if Costello's raven pheonix form is different? His wife and queen created the little plush while he was away to attend to the Infernal Realm. She mostly wanted to try the new skills that she had learned from the mortal realm. Even though this does not directly mirror his appearance this cute little representation is more catered to... mortal sensibilities.


Mr. Birdy Spec

Though it fails to represent Costello's true raven form it does create an adorable little friend. He has a more simplified horn design and comes complete with a cute little bowtie. 

The design was originally supposed to have a head tilt but I initially decided to choose a more front view. There have been adjustments to the transition from concept sketch to plush. 

Another concept that I would like to put into effect is magnetic bowties. This gives the opportunity to swap out various bowties to accessorize. 

Phase 1

The first prototype was fantastic though there were notable differences between the original design concept and the plushie build. As an example the horns needed to be altered, open beak adjusted, and so forth. This proves however that this prototype was on the right track. 

Phase 2

The second prototype was even better and more refined. I adjusted the wing shape and size to make it look more like feathers. His hair has that iconic flop to it. The beak still needs adjustments but overall this entire phase two is very close to what the final product will be. Onto phase 3!

Phase 3

The third prototype added all the little details that I wanted to have in the plush but some unnecessary changes were made as well. His body shape was altered which I really loved from the original. The darker fabric should have also been in the wing interior, not the exterior. In the end, I asked for the base of the second prototype with the cosmetic alterations of the 3rd. I am hoping the 4th is the final version! Onto phase 4!


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